Tuesday 21 April 2015

The power of books: The Pavement Bookworm

Books can help you in several ways. There are many examples of people of who have transformed their lives through reading and understanding the wisdom and knowledge in books. One of the most recent examples of the positive effect that books can have on our lives is the pavement bookworm.

Philani Dladla is more popularly known as the pavement bookworm. He sells books by reading them first and giving his review of the books to his customers. Customers that are interested in his review buy books from him.

Philani Dladla’s life has transformed for the better. He used to live on the streets, however his passion for books changed his life Books have not only transformed his life, they have also helped him in taking a step towards a higher aim. After his success as the pavement bookworm, he is making an effort to create awareness regarding the importance of books and literacy, especially for children.

Books can help you in living a better life and the pavement bookworm is a good example for that. After he started selling books, the pavement bookworm has been able to develop a loyal customer base. He knows his customer’s preferences and provides them books according to that. Many of his customers donate books so he does not need to buy from a retailer. Initially when he started this business he used to only give reviews and not sell the books. However, he later realised that selling books can be a profitable venture.

Through his popularity as the pavement bookworm, Philani Dladla earns enough to pay for his food, clothing and rent expenses. To attain his goal of raising literacy levels in Johannesburg, he has become a part of a social reading project.  He is working with a freelance journalist to establish a magazine to increase educational awareness. Additionally, the pavement bookworm has started a society for reading to children in Lepeng School in Johannesburg.

The pavement bookworm’s story is an inspiring testament to the importance of books. Even when Dladla was homeless and poor, books gave him hope and knowledge to lead a better life. Therefore, it is important to appreciate the effect that books can have on our lives. 

How to celebrate World Book Day?

Books can be an important part of your life, especially if reading is one of your preferred hobbies. Despite the growing popularity of other mediums that provide quick entertainment and knowledge, books have maintained their presence in our lives.

World book day celebrates the vast wisdom, knowledge and entertainment that books have provided its readers for a long while. World book day is an international event that UNESCO arranges every year. Since its inception in April 1995, world book day has been celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm throughout the world.

The purpose of world book day is to encourage more individuals to read books. The day also emphasises the importance of publishing unique and copyright protected content.

If you are looking for a way to celebrate world book days, we present a few ideas that can help you in expressing your appreciation for books.

1.     Take part in your local library celebrations
Given the rise in online sources, libraries may have lost their popularity. However, on world book day, many local libraries arrange skits of famous novels. These small skits help in encouraging children and adults to read some of these old classics. You can take part in these celebrations to increase awareness regarding the importance of reading books in general.

2.     Buy a few of your old favourites
Many book enthusiasts keep an old copy of their favourite books for remembering the memorable times when they first read it. If you have not kept your favourite novels in your book shelf then on this world book day, buy these books from a PNA store nearby. This can help in maintaining a collection of books that you can refer to in the future.

3.     Get involved in a reading marathon
Many book retailers arrange a reading session for individuals who may read their favourite books with other readers. You can choose the book based on the amount of time that you can dedicate to this activity. You may also volunteer at a book store to read a short story to children.

4.     Join a book group
There are many online book groups that you can join on world book day. If going to a book store is unappealing then you may buy books online. Book groups can give you an opportunity to interact with other readers. Joining a book group can help you in understanding in detail books that you may have read or wish to read later.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Top 10 books to look forward to in 2015

For all the book worms and book lovers, this is yet another year full of surprises. Here is the list of the 10 books to look forward to in 2015.

1.      Almost Famous Women by Megan Mayhew Bergman
Topping the list of the most anticipated book of 2015 is Almost Famous Women. Megan is back with a promising book about women who have bizarre pursuits that take them to fame. This book looks just as inspiring as the previous Birds of a Lesser Paradise by Megan Bergman.

1.      The Season of Migration by Nellie Hermann
Nellie Herman provides a detailed insight of van Gogh’s adolescent years during which he was separated from his brother. The painter life is still relatively unexposed and hidden. Nellie explores those periods of his life and uncovers them in his new book.

1.      Amnesia by Peter Carey
On the third spot of the most anticipated books of 2015 is Amnesia by Peter Carey which is all about cyber terrorism and harsh journalism. 

1.      The Unfortunate Importance of Beauty by Amanda Filipacchi
On number fourth of the most anticipated books of 2015 is, The unfortunate importance of beauty by Amanda Filipacchi, about two friends. One being physically beautiful and the other not, the friends decide to mask and hide their appearances to discover the perception of the people around them.

1.      A History of Loneliness by John Boyne
John Boyne is the author of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and he is all set to release a History of Loneliness, which is about an Irish priest who has suffered the outcries against the church. He is compelled to dig into his role and examine his career.

1.      Funny Girl by Nick Hornby
Funny girl is Nick’s new hilarious novel which is about a young star of 1960s in Britain

1.      Prudence by David Treuer
Prudence is the 7th book on the list of the most anticipated books of 2015 which is about Frankie who heads off to Europe to join the WWII military struggles.

1.      Get in Trouble: Stories by Kelly Link
This book is going to be just as darkly funny as Kelly’s previous stories.

1.      The Country of Ice Cream Star by Sandra Newman
Ice Cream Star is the protagonist who sets off to find the cure of Posies, a disease affecting her brother. This is the ninth most anticipated book of 2015.

1.      A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler
On number 10th is A Spool of Blue Thread which is a story about a family told by the aging couple, Abby and Red.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

What is the South African Qualifications Authority?

As you hear about the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), do you wonder why it exists? In other words, what is its purpose, and how does that relate to the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)?

You are not alone in asking these questions, which is why we created the following informational guide.

About the SAQA Board

The South African Qualifications Authority is composed of a board of 12 members who have been appointed by the Minister of Higher Education and Training. The board acts is a statutory body closely associated with the NQF, which exists to encourage life-long learning. Board members come from a range of industries, from people in education and training to organized businesspeople.

The SAQA: Functions and the NQF

One of the primary functions of the South African qualification system is to carry out the goals of the National Qualifications Framework. It must oversee the implementation of the NQF and keep the NQF on track for carrying out its objectives; such objectives include creating a solitary nation-wide framework for learning achievements.

The NQF objectives are fully outlined in the 2008 NQF Act No 67. The NQF is in place as a system for ensuring proper classification, registration, publication and explanation of national qualifications. The SAQA ensures the NQF is being carried out in ways that meet its goals and propose alterations to the Minister as the Board deems fit. 

Additional Details
In addition, the South African qualification system develops and manages sub-frameworks within the National Qualifications Framework. Whenever the South African Qualifications Authority administers its functions or has suggestions, it must advise the Minister of Higher Education and Training.

As the South African Qualifications Authority advises the Minister, it is an essential office in South Africa. It not only creates a single framework for learning achievements but ensure that the framework is accessible and improves its quality wherever necessary. More details can be found at the SAQA website.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Renowned South African artist: William Kentridge

One of the most well-known South African artists is William Kentridge. His high-quality drawings are in high demand around the globe and reflect his visions of South African. Those are two of the many reasons why we choose to feature him in the monthly biography slot for January.

History: William Kentridge

William Kentridge was born in Johannesburg in 1955. Thinking outside of the lines, so to speak, was how he was raised, as both of his parents were anti-apartheid lawyers. He went on to earn a BA in Politics and African Studies from the University of the Witwatersrand and then specialized in art at the Johannesburg Art Foundation. Given this education, it is perhaps not surprising that he specializes in political art.

Artistic Background of William Kentridge

The South African artist chooses to focus on a specific technique, which is charcoal drawings that he enhances with pastel colours. As for the subject matter, many William Kentridge artworks look at the life and landscapes of Johannesburg, questioning political landscapes and other parts of South African culture.

William Kentridge Artworks

The talented artist has had several solo exhibitions to date, including at The Museum of Contemporary Arts in San Diego and The Drawing Center in New York. As well, he has achieved gallery representation at The Goodman Gallery in Johannesburg.

William Kentridge’s artworks build on the South African artist’s personal experiences, growing in impact even more when he collaborates with animators, puppeteers, and other artists. For example, his drawings have formed the basis for several animated films. The first animated film that Kentridge made was in 1989, and it was called Johannesburg, 2nd Greatest City After Paris.

As well, his drawings have served as the backdrops for impressive stage productions with the Handspring Puppet Company that tackle issues such as ethics and modernity. The future of William Kentridge’s career is bright. He is a shining example of creative possibilities, especially when they centre on reflections about South Africa.

A Brief History of Johannes Gutenberg

A Brief History of Johannes Gutenberg

Johann Gutenberg, also referred to online as Johannes Gutenberg, was a German inventor, publisher and engraver who still has much relevance today for his technological contributions.

Who was Johann Gutenberg?

Born in circa 1398 in Mainz, Germany, Johann Gutenberg is likely best known as the man who invented the printing press. He grew up learning about the goldsmithing trade from his father, with little else known about his childhood. In 1450, he created a new invention, which was the printing press.

Gutenberg’s Invention: The Printing Press

The new invention of the printing press was well received throughout Europe and spread quickly throughout the area. The press was popular as it significantly increased the speed at which pages could be printed.
Prior to Johann Gutenberg’s invention, wooden blocks were used to press ink onto paper. The new printing press used moveable type consisting of metal pieces put to paper that could churn out pages much faster than the previously used method. That meant that thousands of pages could print in a day on the Gutenberg presses, rather than only about 50 a day.

Significance of Johann Gutenberg’s Invention

The printing press inventor made books more accessible to people as pages could be printed at faster rates than ever before. As well, the type could be reused for future projects, so it was an economical type of technology that Johann Gutenberg created.

The move from printable type to movable type is universally attributable to inventor Johann Gutenberg. The first book to be printed from movable type was the Gutenberg Bible, a 42-line Bible; the book was first printed in 1455. It was a historic occasion as it was the first mass production of a Bible. The printing press made it possible for people outside of the Church to get a copy of the Bible. Today, the printing press inventor’s Bible would be worth around $30 million.

Friday 28 November 2014

Which is better - eBooks or Paper books?

For many years, the best way to share the written word and information was through books. However, in the latest years, as technology has evolved, we find ourselves with the ability to access digital books that have the same content as the paper ones, but which bring different ideas into the mix, as well as numerous other bonuses.

Both ebooks and paper books have their own strengths and weaknesses, and in this article we are going to list them both for each category.

There are multiple pros and cons of eBooks. The first major benefit that you can find in an ebook comes from the fact that they have a small size. Because they are virtual and not physical, you will need a storage space and your reader or USB stick can do the trick just nicely. Adding hundreds of books is very easy. Additionally, the ebook experience is very customizable, because you can change  the colour, fonts and other information according to your own necessities. This is a great way to tailor your experience according to your needs. Additionally, you can change the device brightness to any value you want and, if that is not enough, you can easily get these books for a very low price online.

The downside however comes from the fact that you won’t get the same appeal like reading a paper book, not to mention that these books can’t be lent to anyone. Also, there’s the fact that you need to invest into an ebook reader first and that particular device needs to be charged often in order to get the experience that you want.

Paper Books
The paper books are great because they bring that amazing experience of exploring each story page by page, and even the simple action of turning the page has a magical feel to it. Sharing the book is very easy, in fact all you need to do is to pass it along - it’s very easy and convenient as well. Of course, books will also bring sentimental value and you can get attached to them quite fast, because thanks to them you get the connection between you and the story.

Pros and cons of paper books can be many, but while the upsides are quite neat, there are a few downsides as well. For example, a book does require a lot of space, because of the large size. Print books are also very costly sometimes. Also, there’s the fact that you are tied to different reading conditions and, what’s even worse in the end, it’s that these won’t last forever, as paper will degrade as time passes.

In conclusion, these are the best ways to enjoy the written information nowadays. In the battle of ebook vs paper book there’s only a single winner, and that is the customer, because he/she now has multiple ways to gain access to the written content!