Friday 28 November 2014

Which is better - eBooks or Paper books?

For many years, the best way to share the written word and information was through books. However, in the latest years, as technology has evolved, we find ourselves with the ability to access digital books that have the same content as the paper ones, but which bring different ideas into the mix, as well as numerous other bonuses.

Both ebooks and paper books have their own strengths and weaknesses, and in this article we are going to list them both for each category.

There are multiple pros and cons of eBooks. The first major benefit that you can find in an ebook comes from the fact that they have a small size. Because they are virtual and not physical, you will need a storage space and your reader or USB stick can do the trick just nicely. Adding hundreds of books is very easy. Additionally, the ebook experience is very customizable, because you can change  the colour, fonts and other information according to your own necessities. This is a great way to tailor your experience according to your needs. Additionally, you can change the device brightness to any value you want and, if that is not enough, you can easily get these books for a very low price online.

The downside however comes from the fact that you won’t get the same appeal like reading a paper book, not to mention that these books can’t be lent to anyone. Also, there’s the fact that you need to invest into an ebook reader first and that particular device needs to be charged often in order to get the experience that you want.

Paper Books
The paper books are great because they bring that amazing experience of exploring each story page by page, and even the simple action of turning the page has a magical feel to it. Sharing the book is very easy, in fact all you need to do is to pass it along - it’s very easy and convenient as well. Of course, books will also bring sentimental value and you can get attached to them quite fast, because thanks to them you get the connection between you and the story.

Pros and cons of paper books can be many, but while the upsides are quite neat, there are a few downsides as well. For example, a book does require a lot of space, because of the large size. Print books are also very costly sometimes. Also, there’s the fact that you are tied to different reading conditions and, what’s even worse in the end, it’s that these won’t last forever, as paper will degrade as time passes.

In conclusion, these are the best ways to enjoy the written information nowadays. In the battle of ebook vs paper book there’s only a single winner, and that is the customer, because he/she now has multiple ways to gain access to the written content!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Why is reading important?

Although more and more people nowadays are using the computer for every task, the reality is that reading books or information will certainly help you achieve great results in life.

The importance of reading comes from the fact that you can improve your vocabulary and, of course, you get to become a more intelligent person as well, mainly because you learn about new situations and how to deal with them, new ideas and so on.

One of the major benefits of reading comes from the fact that it brings mental stimulation. Reading will slow the spread of dementia or Alzheimer disease in your body, and you will feel more powerful which is essential in the end. In fact, the brain does require a lot of exercise in order to keep it healthy and as strong as you want it to be, and what can be better than actually stimulating it on a cognitive level with a continuous reading pattern.

Additionally, by reading every type of book, including educational books South Africa, you will be able to reduce the amount of stress that you currently have, a great thing to do if you are in a stressful situation and just want to get rid of the bad thoughts. Reading allows you to get a focus on something and just have a lot of fun in the process.

Of course, reading the best educational books and child literature, as well as any other type of book will provide a great way to expand the vocabulary, as every book you read will come with some new and exciting works.

On top of that, reading increases your knowledge exponentially. Each book brings you new and interesting challenges that you can be a part of, but it also makes you learn about new things as well. You will be able to learn how to cope with certain situations, or how to become more innovative for example. Books are a perfect source of knowledge, and this is the main reason why they have been used for thousands of years as the best way to share the knowledge with the newer generations.

Educational books for kids will also provide memory improvement. Improving the current memory is a great thing to do, but in order to do that the brain needs to receive new and more expansive ways to work.
Lastly, thanks to reading you will be able to engage in better analytical thinking, a skill that helps anyone that wants to think more deeply about things.

As you can see, reading has a lot of benefits. Alongside those described above, it can also lead to better writing skills, as well as an improved focus and concentration. Try to read as often as possible and always remember that knowledge is power, so the more you read, the better it is for you!

Saturday 15 November 2014


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