Tuesday 29 October 2013

Da Vinci’s Greatest Works

There are few people so well known as Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer – quite a mouthful! 


Today we will look at three of his greatest works and why they are considered to be so valuable.


The Mona Lisa



Probably the most famous of all paintings is the Mona Lisa. Although it could never be confirmed, it’s believed in general that the subject of the painting is Lisa Gherardini, a middle-class woman from Florence.


Possibly the biggest contribution to the greatness of this painting is the faint, enigmatic smile. Is it sad? Is it sly? Is she hiding a secret?


These are just some of the questions that have been asked since the painting came into existence.


 The Mona Lisa is considered the first modern portrait and after so many years, we still can’t help but ask; what is she smiling about?



The Last Supper







The Last Supper is also known as Il Cenacolo and is a mural in Santa Maria della Grazie, a church in Milan. It depicts the well-known scene from the Gospel of John where Jesus and his disciples are having their last supper together and Jesus relayed the news that one of them will betray him.

The mural depicts the disciples’ feelings of anxiety and dismay upon hearing the news in a very perceptive manner. As the first painting to show biblical characters displaying human emotions and behaving like real life people, this mural has made quite the impression.


What contributes to the remarkable impact of the mural is the fact that the painting is fascinating in its use of perspective. Nearly every element in the painting is constructed in such a manner that it seems to guide the eye towards Jesus, in the centre of the picture.


The Virgin of the Rocks

You might not know that Da Vinci had two paintings that were nearly identical, that was entitled The Virgin of the Rocks. Both paintings show a rocky setting with four biblical characters – the Madonna, the Christ Child, and infant John the Baptist and an angel.


The paintings subject is the respect and adoration John the Baptist gives to the Christ Child. Part of what makes this painting so great is that the composition is complex and sophisticated. The figures are grouped together in the shape of a triangle and all gesture toward and look at each other.


This is also significant because in the artwork of previous eras, figures in paintings often seemed separate from each other.




Da Vinci was definitely a remarkable artist and his works of art are considered invaluable. Now that you know what makes his work so special, go and have a look for yourself!


Written by Marleen Theunissen

Creative Writer at ATKA SA 

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