Monday 24 February 2014

What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction?


This refers to a book or piece of literature that is created from imagination. These are books that are made up by the author, and are not true.

This type of literature or book may involve science fiction; fantasy; mysteries; romance and crime thrillers. The fiction storyline is made up by the author, and can be based on a certain time period and event in that period, but the characters and the sub storyline of the characters are made up. 

Such examples of fiction include JK Rowling’s popular Harry Potter books, which the author created from her imagination - as none of it was based on anything true. Another example is Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, as the characters and storyline were also made up.

Although fiction describes a major branch of literary work, it may also refer to theatrical, cinematic or musical work.


While fiction describes work of the imagination, non-fiction contrasts this. Non-fiction refers to books or literature based on facts - literature about real things, people, events and places.

Therefore, non-fiction books are factual books that deliver details or information about specific things or events. They are stories based on real facts and information.

Such examples of non-fiction work include memoirs, biographies, historic facts and other works that are factual.

Written by: Thulisile Khumalo

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